Vida Markets
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Share your trades on VM Social

Available on Apple and Google Play

Generate a new following and earn extra revenue from our revolutionary copy trading app.
Vida Markets

Why you should be on VM Social

Whether you are a trading school, a money manager or provide signals to your network of clients then sharing your strategy on the app is a must.

With VM Social you can

Reach a new audience of active traders

Increase your brand presence

Generate additional revenues from your trading expertise

Showcase your services and allow others to copy or follow you.

In addition the app allows you to;

Create multiple revenue streams

Promote yourself to never seen before traffic

Engage with thousands of users within the app

Increase your clients trading activity by never missing an opportunity again

Vida Markets
Vida Markets

How do you earn revenue from VM Social?

Through the app you can attract new followers to your signals and strategy’s.

You are able to charge performance and or subscription fees to your followers and be in a position to obtain monthly renumeration for sharing of your analysis and trades.

All fees are paid monthly to your rebate account.

  1. Complete the partner application form

  2. Agree your commercial plan

  3. Start referring clients via your unique tracking link

Create a tailored plan with Vida Partners

Let our premium partner team set you up.

Learn more about VM Social

  • 1. What is VM Social?

    Vida Markets

    VM Social is a revolutionary social trading application that grants traders the ability to emulate and adopt the strategies employed by signal providers. Moreover, users can leverage their Vida Markets MetaTrader 4 or 5 account to seamlessly transition into the role of signal providers themselves.

  • 2. How can someone download VM Social?

    Vida Markets

    Anyone can download the VM Social app. Available on Google Play Store or the iOS App Store. VM Social is available globally and can be downloaded to any device wherever you are in the world.

  • 3. How do I become a signal provider?

    Vida Markets

    Anyone can become a signal provider. Typically, signal providers on the platform possess a minimum of six months of trading experience and demonstrate positive trading results. After successfully linking your live trade account to the app, you can choose to become a signal provider. To set yourself up as a signal provide complete this short form by clicking here.

  • 4. How do I connect my account?

    Vida Markets

    Once you have finalised your profile with the Vida Partners team will be listed on the application available for ALL users to follow and copy.

  • 5. Who can copy me on VM Social?

    Vida Markets

    Anyone who has downloaded VM Social will be able to see your signals or strategy. The more active you are the more exposure you will recieve within the app.

  • 6. How do I become a signal provider?

    Vida Markets

    Anyone can become a signal provider. Typically, signal providers on the platform possess a minimum of six months of trading experience and demonstrate positive trading results. After successfully linking your live trade account to the app, you can choose to become a signal provider. To set yourself up as a signal provide complete this short form by clicking here.